In Memoriam
This page is devoted to our beloved friends who are no longer with us. We honor and give thanks for the time they allowed us to share with them. They will always be a part of our pack. Now, they are free to run in the Spirit World and live the life they deserved.
Our Spirit Pack

Our beautiful Lomasi passed away on April 14, 2023. After celebrating her sixteenth birthday this past April, she has moved on to join her partner Anoki in the afterlife. She served as a peaceful and harmonious matriarch to our Pack and touched the souls of many. At the time of her passing, she was surrounded by the volunteers who loved and cared for her for so many years.
To say Lomasi was special is an understatement. Anyone fortunate enough to have met her was instantly touched by her calm and serene gaze, matched only by her gentle personality. Accepting of all who came to Wolves of Maine, she insisted on greeting all visitors on the grounds, no matter who they were or where they were from. In her own unique way, Lomasi would make you feel like a part of the Pack and a member of her family.
Lomasi was a stunning and graceful wolf, a perfect ambassador for her wild brethren. She could often be found leaping through the leaves on a crisp fall day, digging icy holes in winter snowbanks, lounging on the roof of her favorite hut, or relaxing in her cool shady corner of the front yard on a warm summer afternoon. She was brimming with a passion for life and shared her energy and positive spirit with all of us.
Only one other animal came close to matching her, and that was her fellow wolf packmate Anoki. Wherever Lomasi was found, Anoki trailed as her shadow. She could often be seen speeding after him during a “zoomies” session, or cuddling up when the weather cooled down. Inseparable in life, they are now reunited once again.
Lomasi’s name of Native American origin, meaning “Beautiful Flower,” suited her perfectly. Truly lovely inside and out, she will be dearly missed by all. Each and every day she looked forward to her daily scratches, morning “patrols” around the sanctuary, and helping herself to goodies in the sanctuary barn. You could not help but light up whenever Lomasi was present; she could turn a sour mood around in an instant. As in her namesake, she was truly a beautiful presence that would brighten anyone’s day.
While currently grieving the loss of Lomasi, we take comfort knowing she will never be forgotten and her legacy will always be carried here at Wolves of Maine. We are truly blessed to have had Lomasi touch our lives and share her wisdom and love with all of us. She will live on through our memories and interactions as a permanent member of our Spirit Pack.
She will always be with us and always remembered as a pillar of the WOMS Pack.

Anoki passed away on February 21, 2023. At almost fifteen years old, he lived a long and happy life alongside the Pack, specifically with his dearest companion and fellow gray wolf Lomasi. Lomasi and a group of volunteers were by his side at the time of his passing.
Anyone who had the chance to meet this incredible animal will certainly miss his goofy smile, trickster personality, and the humorous situations that he would always find himself in. Whether it was stealing hats and gloves, attempting to dig holes to the center of the earth, skating on sheets of ice, or deliberately avoiding the camera while someone was photographing him, Anoki certainly had a one-of-a-kind personality. He absolutely lived up to his name of Native American origin, translating to “The Actor.”
Even through all of his shenanigans, Anoki was a truly affectionate individual. He loved all of his volunteers, and could be regularly seen giving kisses and head rubs to those that helped take care of him. Sometimes if you gave him a particularly “perfect” scratch, he would even take off and do his zoomies for you. He formed deep bonds with many of the human members of our sanctuary, and while he sometimes presented himself as aloof, his need to give love and share it was always present.
All of our volunteers and pack members will greatly miss Anoki. He left a great imprint on our lives and hearts, and daily life will certainly be different now that he has moved on. While the days ahead will be sad for us here at Wolves of Maine Sanctuary, we are blessed to be able to honor him and remember him through our own personal experiences and interactions.
He will be with us always, and will always be a member of the Pack.

A gentle and affectionate soul, Breeze was cherished by her pack and adored by all who were lucky enough to have known her. Alongside fellow packmate Kota and her son Trouble, Breeze joined the WOMS pack and quickly established herself as a pillar of our sanctuary. Beautiful, elegant, and striking with her shiny silver-tinged coat, Breeze was always her happiest when receiving love and attention from her favorite volunteers and visitors!
True to her namesake, Breeze had an easy-going spirit and went-with-the-flow, whether while strolling along in the yard or taking a relaxing nap beneath a tranquil tree on a warm day. Her motherly instincts were always on display, as she tasked herself with visiting all members of the sanctuary during her daily rounds to assure her pack members were healthy, happy, and thriving.
Never seen without her beloved son, Trouble, the two truly were two peas in a pod. Wherever one would go, the other would never be too far behind. Together they would frequent the sanctuary barn for snacks, patrol the front and back yards as a duo, and romp through the leaves and the snow. They were truly a sight to see!
Breeze’s presence is always felt throughout the sanctuary, and she will always watch over us as a member of our Spirit Pack!

Born in August 2010, longtime Pack member Kota was known as the official greeter to all visitors who arrived at Wolves of Maine Sanctuary. Affectionately referred to as “Mr. Wonderful” by our volunteer staff, Kota could always be found lounging by the main gate waiting patiently to receive the first treats and belly rubs of the day. Whether it be longtime volunteers, staff, or guests, Kota was the first to sound off with a friendly howl of greeting!
Kota arrived at Wolves of Maine Sanctuary alongside residents Trouble and Breeze, having all resided under the same roof for several years. Thanks to his outgoing and amiable nature, Kota quickly acclimated himself as a member of the pack and wasted no time establishing himself as a model member of the sanctuary. His name suited him well, meaning “Happiness”, or “Good Fortune” in Japanese. We are truly lucky to have had such a loyal and loving friend for so many fantastic years.
His favorite pastimes included rolling and tunneling in snow, sniffing around in fallen leaves, chewing on fresh marrow bones, and trying to get everyone to “wrestle” with him. His affection and happy-go-lucky self truly shone best when he was with his volunteer friends! Truly the definition of a "good boy", we know Kota is watching over all of us here at WOMS each and every day.
Kota is dearly missed, and will forever live on in our hearts as a member of our Spirit Pack!

Bear shared a very special connection with our volunteers. He came to us with his sister Blue, who passed over the rainbow bridge the year before. He was a very vocal guy who loved his treats. He also enjoyed when people spent time sitting and chatting with him in his area. Bear was brave, overcoming his fears and trusting in the volunteers at the sanctuary. We miss him terribly, and we ask that our supporters continue to speak out for those who can’t speak for themselves in his honor.

Yasha was a very sweet girl who spent just under a year with us before passing over the rainbow bridge. She shared an enclosure with Kota. They both got along very well, playing and walking together every day. They were the silliest of friends and would steal each other’s food when the other wasn’t looking. We miss Yasha dearly, but we are so happy that she was able to spend the rest of her life in a place full of love.

Blue’s time at the sanctuary was short, but memorable. She came to us with her brother Bear after their previous owner no longer had the ability to care for them. When she arrived, she was older and had some health issues. Her life was happy at the sanctuary under the care of our volunteers. Blue was such a sweet and cute little girl, and we are thankful that we could give her a loving, comfortable home to live out her life.

Shadow came to us on Christmas Day 2012. She came from a lonely situation where she needed more interaction with people. She passed away after a long struggle from an illness. She touched many lives of all visitors and volunteers over the years. She loved treats, belly rubs, she would lay her paw on your arm when you stop rubbing her tummy, and she gave the best doggy kisses. Shadow helped so many in her days at the Sanctuary. She was ornery in personality, she had a huge heart, her eyes would melt your heart, and she was sweetest girl you would ever meet.

Mystica, also known as “Misty,” came to us in April 2015. She always kept that wild nature. When volunteers came to spend time with her, she would love to sit on your lap and lay at your feet for belly rubs. She would even occasionally give little love nips on your leg to get your attention and say hello! She passed away after a short time with us, but she will always be remembered as a loving, amazing member of our pack.

Tazlina, “Taz”, had been at the sanctuary longer than any of our other rescues. When she came to us, she was seven months old and very sick with pancreatitis. She suffered from other health issues, including residual post-traumatic stress disorder from her prior home. Tazlina’s experience is, unfortunately, all too typical of these animals who are adopted as pets. With loving and devoted care, we were able to nurse her back to health. Even though she retained her wild spirit, she became less fearful of visitors and volunteers over time.
Special Friends Gone too Soon
Christine Smolski
With her kind heart, outgoing spirit, and gentle personality, Christine made certain that everyone felt welcomed and at home within WOMS. A dedicated volunteer, she could be found giving belly rubs and treats to her favorite furry friends, working tirelessly in the enclosures and yards, and supporting our fundraising efforts with a wonderfully warm and inviting smile. She was truly adored by everyone here at WOMS, be it human or wolf. She is deeply missed by all. A true lover of all things in nature, some of Christine’s favorite pastimes included hiking, kayaking, camping, and gardening. She had a deep sense of connection to wildlife, and we were all so fortunate to be able to see her thrive within her element while working with the wolves. She was adored by all members of the Pack, who were excited to receive her love and affection. Whenever she set foot at the sanctuary, her presence could instantly be felt. Like the sun emerging on a cloudy afternoon, Christine lit up the sanctuary each and every day and brought a smile to everyone’s face. Her infectious laughter and joy was shared by all, and although she is no longer with us, she will forever be ingrained into the spirit of the Pack.

Marcus Graffam
Marcus was a smart and compassionate soul who had a strong connection with the pack, and other volunteers at the sanctuary. He was always bright and kind – even when doing the not-as-desirable chores like picking up the poop! It was easy to see the strong bond Marcus had with all the members of our pack, but especially with Trouble. They really understood each other on a deeper level than most. Everyone, rescue and human alike, will miss him greatly. Please visit Poitras, Neal & York Funeral Home’s Website to read his obituary, and thank you so much to all the people who have been donating to the sanctuary in his memory. RIP Marcus, may your soul continue to run with the wolves forever.